A reliable and trustworthy platform for discreet conversations between known parties
Click the button below to receive your random link that you can share with your friends any way you like!
By starting this chat session, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and that you and everybody you share the chat link with is above 16 years of age.
Converse with ease and assurance
It is said that words cannot be unspoken, but they can be unwritten with MessageMoment's in-the-moment chat service that guarantees your conversation is history. Start chatting now and experience the privacy and security of MessageMoment.
Express yourself freely, anytime, with those you know
Step 1
Generate Link
Step 2
Share It
Step 3
Set Expiry
Step 4
End Session
Start a chat session by clicking the "Open Chat" button on our site and receive a link. Optionally, make the chat secure by generating a security code.
Your message only lasts a moment
We believe that words can be a powerful tool for connection and communication, but it's also true that words cannot be unspoken. That's why we created a live chat service that lets you unwrite those words, with a unique chat link and a secure, in-the-moment chat experience.
Discover more from MessageMoment
Browser Based
Project Mode
Browser Based
Project Mode
Use MessageMoment on any device via Browser1
Smart Tv
1Disclaimer: Compatibility may vary across different devices and operating systems.